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I'm too slow for it.


Sandy Tay ShiQi
Sandy / ShiQi is known to most people.
One year older on every October 13th ;
13 years old !
Chua Chu Kang Secondary School,
class 1-3

A very random & hyper girl who
is a CrazyLover of 羅志祥 ♥ (B:30July)
I Love Family and friends.
Music is definitely part of her.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stairs to UFO
& there you go!

bold underlined strikethrough italic


Music Playlist at


♥ 羅志祥 ; 罗志祥 ; Luo Zhi Xiang ; Lo Chih Hsiang ; Xiao Zhu rocks forever

Lose weight!
170cm tall!
Go express
New Phone ; Touch Screen
Friends Forever
MORE clothes!
MORE shorts & skirts !
Buy 羅志祥 albums !
Go, Taiwan,Taipei!




Meet the people I love♥

Show Luo

Shi Yun
Jie Ying
Huey Chyi
Jing Kai
Jing You




Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010


Layout Designer:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I guess it up to god now .
As my destiny is on his hand now ...

"► the laughter, ▌▌ the memories, █ the pain, ◄◄ the happiness"

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Back from Chinaaa !
Went to ShenZhen, PanYu, GuangZhou, Macau, ZhuHai .
Hehes !
Everyday change hotel ...
so must very early wake up !
ZzZzZz !

1st Day (13 June 2010 )

Flight down at ShenZhen,
then bus-ed to ZhuHai then to Macau .
first day damn tired, but still need to go here go there !
Cause midnight flight .
The airline I took, suck totally, too squeezy !
Macau has quite a handful of casino, around 30 +, not so sure .
Went to The Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment .
It was tall and you can look down while stepping on a glass when you could look through ! LOL!
Saw people jumping down from above, I mean safety jumping !
and people walking around the tower from above.
Then stay at Riviera Hotel Macau for one night.


2nd Day (14 June 2010 )

Wake up early in the morning,
bath then have breakfast and then check-out .
When to custom to travel back to Zhu Hai, for the second custom, as got two custom one is Macau and the other is Zhu Hai's custom, waited for 1 hour+ .
Realize on the first day on the Zhu Hai custom,
the people(some) in China are quite typical too !
They cut queue !
I thought Singaporeans are typical but now I changed my mind .

Went back to Zhu Hai,
brought silk blanket, high quality one.
Damn expensive !
Afterward went Hot Spring at Hai Yang Wen Quan !
and it was awesome !
We each person will have a band and the band with micro chip in it, can open the locker and we can use that band for our expense in there !
Alot of different types of Hot Spring, some more it has flavour one !
It was damn windy and peaceful there !
I love it !

Oh yea, the toilet ...
The toilet's cubicle has door but it was in the middle so can see our leg and head, some cubicle don't even have door, cause spoiled .
Some cubicle have door but they still open their door big big .
So can see all of them AHEM .
Lucky, there in one cubicle at one corner and has door, and I use it .
There got bathrobe got this got that .

Afterward stayed at DiHao Holiday Hotel for one night .


3rd Day (15 June 2010 )

Went to GuangZhou, I mean bus-ed to GuangZhou .
Went to Lian Hua Shan ,
write my wish on the paper with a small sand bag,
after that throw it to a wishing tree ! (:
first time I drop ! ):
second time I succeed !

Afterward went to the shop where you got buy jewelery but they mainly introduce and sell the "pi xiu'',the two dragon which is sitting,one male, one female, it is something where you can find outside some door .
It say the two dragons are for feng shui purpose, and only can have 9 pairs in one home or place, if extra not good already .
If you want to know how to different shape which is female which is male .
you may want to look at their leg the male's left leg will step out while the female's right leg will step out .
Then go Shi Jian Zhi Chuan (which many country combine together to build it,including Singapore),
It was freaky nice there, but we went there only to take photo,tour photo and family photo(then tell us buy during the 16June's dinner), outside ...
The tour guide say there are a lot of mini popular statue like the Singapore's Merlion, the mini version and other fabulous ''minis'' inside .
If I am not wrong I saw the tower(not sure what name) but shorter, much shorter.
After that went to sit ship damn night the ship like yacht.
nice scenery .
Then stayed at Rosedale Hotel for a night .


4th Day (16June2010 )
Went back to ShengZhen,
Afterward went to Da Xia Gu, can't play the things in there cause raining .
Went up by cable-car .
nice scenery up there too and windy.
afterward sit a something like roller coaster but slower, width-er .
after that I watch aqua .
although can't understand what are they trying to express ...
Then sleep at The Bonanza Hotel .

5th Day ( 17June1010 )
Can travel around at ShengZhen.
Very admire ourself,
anyhow walk as we are absolutely unsure about the road and we still can search for streets to buy cheap clothes etc ...
Then take taxi back,
Wah ! that taxi anyhow cut queue one .
Very scary inside .
Feeling like gonna get knock by the other car .
Aiya, actually not I scared I still don't know that it is scary, until my mum,mum's friend and sisters told me .
I still find thrilling .
We walk from hotel to there 1 hour +
but come back on 5minutes ?
I don't know find it very fast .
Then check-out went to Air port.
I'm back !

3+am in the midnight or should I say morning
reached home .
and then bathe.
For my very first time I bathe in the morning.
*Very early morning .

Ok, you realize I didn't talk about my breakfast, lunch and Dinner there as I don't really like their food, their food don't suit me .
Accept for their fastfood restaurant, there still got KFC and Macdonald .
AND AND, their ''gu lu gu lu'' !
haha !
Some of the places I forgotten so didn't write ...


I also took lots of lots of photo but very lazy to post .
maybe I find sometime .

Great tomorrow, I go ''earn money '' again !
Who want donate ?


Friday, June 18, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

ANCO Camp overrrrrrrr !
Fight all the wayyyyyyy !
;DDD !

Now, SJAB Walkathon !
want to DONATE ?!
TARGET : 100$
(some more I far more apart from the target...)

Girl Guide Campfire today,
not my day,
not quite hyper today...
siansss !
Their gateway is quite interesting, quite scary ...

Other than that ...
Lazy to update everything !


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yesterday having high fever of 39 degree Celsius ,
my whole body like weigh 100kg and so tireddd...
feeling like going to faint.

then I go see doctor,
eat medicine ,
felt better than never !
and gotten 2 days MC !
going to school tomorrow !
Was like so bored at home !
Oh thanks Felicia ,Jie Ying, Pei Yu and Serene
for coming my house to sign a ANCO form.


Sad actually want go IMM to see LUO ZHI XIANG !
but fever ! SIANNNNNNNNN

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

羅志祥 is coming over to Singapore today !
OMG, so happy !
although I can't gooo...

but never minddd.

today feeling damn ak
frey tired...
no mood for everything...
but , I'm soon back to my hyper mood!

I have gotten back my Math and Geography paper so far.
and both result sux! :X
especially Math !
Every in class was like so SMART !
All get high marks,
and those who ain't really good shot up !
and and
it harddd...
will be typing out my result after I gotten back all my examination paper.

4 examination papers LEFT!
Mother Tongue

Good Luck !



Thursday, May 20, 2010